Saturday 3 April 2021

What if We Actually Taxed the Rich? | Robert Reich; News Corp and Andrew Bolt's ratings smashed by podcast done in a shed;


May be a Twitter screenshot of 4 people and text that says '16 91 Ben Davison "The Week on Wednesday Week Wednesday" with Van Badham & Ben Davison Murray 27 5 Sky News Australia NZ Paul Murray Live 31 Credlin Sky News Australia Credlin NZ Bolt 36 Sky News Australia NZ The Bolt Report'

Van Badham

YOU GUYS! YOU AMAZING PEOPLE! Yesterday, I was talking about how our news/politics podcast
The Week on Wednesday
was only 8 places behind Andrew Bolt’s in Australia’s podcast news rankings...

It was POWERFUL DREAM to beat him, to shatter the Rupert-Murdoch-sponsored *illusion* that Australia is a right-wing place that wants right wing news. Turns out, YOU BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL HUMANS, that it really can be done! People really *do* want news diversity. Look!


Despite the massive budget and financial backing the automatants have

I literally did the “Please listen to our podcast, let’s beat Bolt” post YESTERDAY, and you guys *came through*, and then some! (When I did the post, I was like “if we keep getting the word out, maybe we’ll edge him out in 4-6 months”!!).

Overnight, not only has our little podcast beaten Bolt, but also Paul Murray, Peta Credlin and even (not pictured) the deplorable Steve Bannon (who has a disturbingly large following in Australia, we will have to talk about this later).

Ben and I are SO grateful to enjoy your support for the show that we do in our shed (!), and we really hope you stick with us from here so we can CRUSH THE BAD GUYS every week, and actually have a popular, progressive discussion about what’s going on in our country and the world.

In the meantime, best Easter ever. Eat ALL the eggs.

And if you want to give the Week on Wednesday a listen...

Here on Android:

And we’re also on Spotify and YOU ARE THE BEST.

Eat their dust Mr Bolt. But should we be surprised after all Bolt's personal self produced podcast with son Dom lasted 5 episodes. He went running back to daddy Rupert's safe house and mega-bucks.

.Andrew Bolt with Egg on His Face

by Amanda Marcotte | April 2, 2021 - 7:10am | permalink

Conflict drives engagement and ratings, so it should be no surprise that media coverage is framing President Joe Biden's infrastructure bill as controversial. "Biden's Infrastructure Plan Meets Skepticism, Signaling Fight to Come," reads the New York Times headline. "Biden's infrastructure plan faces controversy over price tag and design," reads the Washington Post headline. Politico's Playbook declares, "Fault lines form on Biden's massive infrastructure plan."

But this kind of framing is misleading. It is true that congressional Republicans oppose this bill and there is nothing that Biden could do, any concession he could make, that would induce Republicans to vote for it. But with the actual public? Well, this bill is a big hit. It is even a bipartisan hit.

» article continues...

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